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Add More Impact to Your IELTS Essays

Add More Impact to Your IELTS Essays

Ninan Lawrence Published:
April 19, 2024

The IELTS Essay instructions explicitly says that you should incorporate relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. One approach is to provide examples. You must incorporate examples to bolster your points of view. But how can this be done effectively? Here we explore a few tips, as well as certain things that one must not do while developing an example in IELTS essay-writing.


Why we need examples?

You could choose to include examples in your IELTS essay in order to clarify points better. When expressing your thoughts or debating a concept, examples often provide a helpful approach to demonstrate growth, which is essential for a high Task Response score.

What constitutes an effective IELTS essay example?

When you cite examples in your IELTS essay, there are certain points to keep in mind. The first and foremost being that your examples have to be realistic. Read some important points below.

  • Many individuals make up examples because they cannot do research when taking the IELTS test. This is acceptable, but please keep it realistic
  • You do not have to demonstrate technical proficiency in your IELTS writing answers, but you do need to demonstrate some level of critical thinking skills. Therefore, even if you cannot be an expert in history or technology, you should be able to come up with some convincing instances or create your own that seems credible. These must make sense of your point of view and flow well throughout your essay. 
  • Your example should appear at the appropriate place in your writing. Although there are numerous methods to do this, the norm is to establish the primary idea, explain it, and then present an example. Just apply logic and reason when using an example to achieve your goal. You will receive better grades for coherence and cohesiveness as a result.

How to create own examples?

There are two approaches to this.

  • Create a hypothetical scenario that is conceivable and simply achievable. It is irrelevant if you, for instance, quote research that never happened as long as your assertions are grounded in reality. Nobody is going to investigate.
  • Make it apparent that this is only a hypothetical situation. Use the term "if" to indicate that this was an imagined instance setting.

Errors & how to avoid them?

This brings us to a few common mistakes individuals make when adding examples to their IELTS essay:

  • Multiple examples. One or two instances are good in an essay, but you should avoid including too many. Remember that while an example might help to clarify a concept, it should not be used as a shortcut. Instead of employing examples in place of a detailed explanation, learn how to describe an idea first and then back it up with an example. 
  • Many test takers provide irrelevant examples just because the question mentions that an individual can give examples. There are chances of logical mismatch between the prior statements and the provided example
  • Occasionally, individuals simply cannot explain things well enough, thus the example offered might come out as unclear. It is usually not a terrible example that causes this, but rather a case of inadequate explanation of the example.
  • Grammar errors may be found while introducing examples. This happens when people either forget that the example might need to be a complete clause, or they misunderstand the part of speech that was used to introduce the example.

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