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Fast-track Grammar Classes

One of the most important marking criteria when it comes to IELTS writing and speaking tests is the “Grammatical Range & Accuracy”. It is in fact one of the four marking criteria of the IELTS writing and speaking tests.


Whilst grammatical range and accuracy plays very less role in the IELTS listening and reading tests, it is one of the most important marking criteria when it comes to the writing and speaking sections of the IELTS examination.


The writing test of the IELTS examination is marked based on the following four criteria:

  • Task achievement
  • Lexical resources (vocabulary)
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Coherence and cohesion


The speaking test of the IELTS examination is marked based on the following four criteria:

  • Fluency and coherence
  • Lexical resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Pronunciation


As you can see, “grammatical range and accuracy” plays a significant role in the speaking and writing sections of the IELTS examination. Unfortunately, the grammatical range and accuracy is the most misunderstood of all the marking criteria. To put it in brief, grammatical accuracy means that the candidate shouldn’t be making “grammatical mistakes” while he or she speaks or writes. Similarly, grammatical range means that the candidate should be using a variety of “grammatical structures” while he or she speaks or writes. The latter makes it clear to the examiner that the candidate has a good command over the language.


At Westword IELTS, fast-track grammar classes clear the path for candidates who wants to improve their English grammar in a short period of time. Our grammar classes are structured in such a way that noticeable changes begin to surface usually in the first 2 weeks of the class commencement.


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