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New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP)

New Brunswick treasures its history and its geography. From Magnetic Hill where cars appear to coast uphill, to 8 metre tides at the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick has quite the sites.


New Brunswick’s first European settlers were Acadian French and today about one-third its citizens are francophone. Saint John was founded by Loyalists fleeing America. It is one of the country’s busiest ports and shipbuilding centers. New Brunswick is the only official bilingual province of Canada. New Brunswick’s provincial nominee program is called NBPNP (New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program). Successful candidates, post nomination by the province will receive the New Brunswick Provincial Nomination Certificate. NBPNP applications are priority applications, with processing timelines much less compared to other streams and programs. New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) consists of 6 immigration streams. They are:
  • New Brunswick Skilled Workers with Family Support
  • New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream
  • New Brunswick Succession Connect pilot program
  • New Brunswick Skilled Workers with Employer Support Program
  • New Brunswick Post-Graduate Entrepreneurial Stream
  • New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream

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Each of these programs have been designed to meet the province’s need of having a strong workforce to meet its growing demands. To know more about these immigration streams, contact us.
Apart from the above streams, the province also offers business immigration options wherein persons with business interests or ideas in the province may apply for permanent residency along with their family members (spouse or common-law partner as well as dependents). To know more about these programs, click here.
To learn more about the province of New Brunswick and its historic, geographic and cultural significance, visit our Explore Canada page.
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