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Canada Investor Immigration Programs

If you are willing to invest in a Canadian province or territory, or have a specific net worth and managerial skills, a strategic investment could be your pathway to Canadian Permanent Residency.


Several investment programs have been recently closed by the federal government as well as the Quebec provincial authorities (MIDI) due to various reasons. In the past few years, we have seen a huge demand for these programs, especially from businessmen and investors from China and Hong King. This leaves only a few other options.


Express Investor Immigration (With PR)

Owlspriority Immigration, through its years of expertise in the Canadian immigration laws and regulations, offers Business/Investor Immigration programs that are structured according to the specific circumstances and requirements of the applicant.


Note: The Express Investor Immigration (With PR) is not an advertised or pre-defined immigration program. These are strategic investor immigration programs structured by the experts at Owlspriority Immigration based on the circumstances and requirements of the applicant.


Whilst most Canadian investor immigration programs have conditions and criteria that might often sound challenging to the applicant, Owlspriority Immigration offers the Express Investor Immigration program (With PR). Eligible applicants and the applicant’s family members (spouse or common-law partner and dependent children) receives permanent residency status in Canada within a year’s time through this program. There is no upper or lower limit to the investment the applicant need to make to be successful while applying under this program. The only key factor is that the investment made by the applicant in Canada (anywhere in Canada – there is no geographic restriction under this program), must create a positive impact in the economy. To learn more about Express Investor Immigration (With PR) program, click here.


The Business/Investment Plan also plays a key role in this category of applications. To learn how Owlspriority Immigration’s expert team can help you come up with the best business plan as well as business feasibility studies, click here.


The Quebec Investor Program (QIP)

The Quebec Investor Program gives the opportunity to obtain Canadian permanent residency by making a government-guaranteed, risk-free investment for a period of 5 years. The financing for the investment can be obtained through an approved financial intermediary if the applicant does not wish to finance the investment by himself or herself.


To apply under this program, the applicant must have total assets worth C$1.6 million (minimum). These assets can be shared assets too, meaning, it can be shared assets between the applicant and his or her spouse or common-law partner. The applicant must also have experience in management in either one or more of the recognised sectors. Though proficiency in French language is not mandatory, applicants having intermediate French language proficiency proven by a test (TEF exam) will be given priority and will also be exempt from the cap limit.


One specific requirement of this program is that the applicant must have a strong intent to settle in the province of Quebec, and thereby, as per the conditions of this program, must invest an amount of C$800,000 with a financial intermediary (broker or trust company) that has been recognised by the Quebec government as a participant in this program. This investment is for a 5-year period, and at the end of the 5-year period, the investment will be returned to the applicant in full, without any interest. Financing for this investment is available through Canadian financial institutions. To learn more about the The Quebec Investor Program, click here.


Other Investment immigration programs that can lead to Canadian permanent residency


Federal Investor (Closed)

Under this program, the government of Canada demands an investment of C$800,000 based on which the applicant as well as the applicant’s family members will be given permanent residency in Canada. To know more about the federal investor program, click here.


Note: As of 19 June 2014, this program is no more available. The information provided about this program on our website pages is for our clients who had taken part in this program prior to program termination.


Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Pilot Program (Closed)

Under this program, applicants with a minimum net worth of C$10 million will be granted permanent residency along with their family members if the applicant is capable of making a non-guaranteed investment of C$2 million in the IIVC fund. To know more about the federal Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Pilot Program, click here.


Note: As per the latest IRCC norm, this program is no longer made available. The information provided about this program on our website pages is for our clients who had taken part in this program prior to program termination.

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