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Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP)

Prince Edward Island (PEI) is a charming, peaceful place with low, rolling countryside and farmlands.
The sea is Princes Edward Island’s most important resource yielding, for example, world famous Malpeque oysters. This attractive island is well known for its rich, red soil creating the famous PEI potatoes. The economy of Prince Edward Island primarily revolves around tourism, agriculture and fishing.
Prince Edward Island’s provincial nominee program is called PEI PNP (Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program). Successful candidates, post nomination by the province will receive the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nomination Certificate. Applicants who apply under the PEI PNP streams will find their applications being fast-tracked. This is because Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program applications are by default priority applications. The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) consists of 3 immigration streams. They are:
  • PEI PNP Express Entry Stream
  • PEI Business Impact Category
  • PEI Labour Impact Category
Each of these programs have been designed to meet the province’s need of having a strong labour force, as well as businessmen and entrepreneurs. To know more about these immigration streams, contact us.

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Apart from the above streams, the province also offers business immigration options wherein persons with business interests or ideas in the province may apply for permanent residency along with their family members (spouse or common-law partner as well as dependents). To know more about these programs, click here.
To learn more about the province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) and its historic, geographic and cultural significance, visit our Explore Canada page.
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