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Prepare for Citizenship

Becoming a citizen of Canada is a unique and once-in-a-lifetime experience. It demands self-preparation and a complete awareness of the rights and responsibilities you will have once you become a Canadian citizen.


Depending on your country of citizenship, the decision to become a Canadian citizen could be a big step in your life. Dual citizenship is allowed in certain countries, while it not in other countries. For example, the Canadian government allows dual citizenship. That is, there is nothing unlawful in the eyes of the Canadian law if a citizen of Canada chooses to become a citizen of another country while retaining his or her Canadian citizenship. However, certain other countries (example: India, China, etc.) do not allow their citizens to be a citizen of another country at the same time. Consequently, Canadian permanent residents whose country of origin/citizenship falls in this category will have to give-up their citizenship once they become a citizen of Canada. To check if your country of origin/citizenship will allow you to retain your citizenship status once you become a Canadian citizen, click here. Depending on your age, you might have to take a citizenship test before you can become a Canadian citizen. You do not have to take the citizenship test if:


  • You are less than 18 years of age; OR
  • You are over 54 years of age.

If you are applying for citizenship, and is between the age of 18 and 54, you need to write the citizenship test. To know more about the citizenship test, click here.

Step-wise guidance on your successful Canadian citizenship

You need to take a test date. Once you apply, you will receive the exact date and time of the citizenship test. However, due to some reason if you will not be able to make it to the test, you can:


  • Write an email to the local office; OR
  • Use the online web form. To access the online web form, click here.

Once either one of the above is received at the office, your test will be rescheduled.

You need to take the Citizenship test. The test can be written or oral. If you are person having difficulty in writing in English/French, you will have to take an oral test. The test will be conducted by a citizenship officer through a hearing. When you come for the test, you must bring:


  • Any and all passport(s) and/or travel document(s) you used in a period of 5 years immediately preceding the date you applied for citizenship; AND
  • The original documents you submitted along with your citizenship application.

You will receive the test result immediately after the test. If you pass the test, and if you meet the other requirements for citizenship, you will be:


  • Given a citizenship ceremony date along with your test result; OR
  • Sent an email or letter mentioning the exact date and time of your citizenship ceremony.

Nonetheless, if you do not pass the test, you will be scheduled for a second test. If you fail in the second test also, you will be sent a notice to come for interview with a citizenship officer. The interview will:


  • Last 30 to 90 minutes’ time;
  • Be in person, or, by videoconferencing;
  • Gives you the chance to prove your language abilities, knowledge about Canada, etc.

If you wish to learn more about the citizenship test, click here.


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