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Quebec Skilled Workers and Professionals Immigration

Applicants who wishes to reside in the city of Montreal or any other city inside the province of Quebec may apply under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP). This economic immigration program is not Express Entry aligned.


Also known as the Regular Skilled Worker Program (RSWP), the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP) is intended solely to serve international immigrants who wish to settle and contribute to the economy of Quebec. Whilst most of the applicants prefer to settle in the city of Montreal, there is a sizeable proportion that choose other cities in Quebec due to various other reasons.


Note: On 1 November 2017, the government of Canada announced multi-year immigration targets spanning from 2018 to 2020. An estimated 9,80,000 immigrant will be welcomed by Canada from 2018 to 2020. For complete projected statistics and other valuable information, click here.


Arrima Portal

The Arrima Portal came into effect in September 2018. It was introduced with an intention to make Quebec immigration faster, but most importantly, secure. Previously, the program was based on the "first come, first served" approach, but has since become an electronic system for receiving applications.


Quebec’s EOI system manages the profiles of candidates applying for the Quebec Selection Certificate (Certificat de sélection du Québec, or CSQ). A CSQ is required to apply for permanent residence through the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program.

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