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Canada Settlement Services

Without proper guidance and orientation, settling into the Canadian way of life could become difficult. Owlspriority Immigration’s Canada Settlement Services has been classified into Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival sessions.


As the name itself suggests, Canada settlement services include inducting you into the Canadian way of life, culture, history, systems like banking, transportation, etc., housing, and job/career assistance, etc. Should you wish to know more about Canada jobs and career services, please visit our dedicated Career Establishment Services (CES) page. 


Note: This page does not cover Canada Jobs and Career services, as it has been covered in detail in the Career Establishment Services (CES) page which can be accessed by clicking here. Canada Settlement Services has been classified into two. They are:


  • Pre-Departure Services
  • Post-Arrival Services


Canada Pre-Departure Services

Pre-Departure Services are provided before you begin your new life in Canada, or in other words, before you move to Canada. It includes, but not limited to:


Take all your belongings to Canada with “ZERO” tax payable: Owlspriority Immigration offers this service wherein you can take all your belongings to Canada – be it your two-wheeler, car, ornaments, precious belongings, etc. – to Canada with zero tax payable to the Canadian tax authorities. Speak to your counselor to know more.


Inducting you into the Canadian way of life: A structured induction process is vital before you start your new life in Canada. You need to have a fair, if not thorough, understanding about the history of Canada (getting used to Canada, the people who built the nation, circumstances, milestones etc.), the culture, people, systems like banking and transportation, seasonal activities, schools, colleges and universities, careers and other prospects. Owlspriority Immigration Pre-Departure services gives you the right guidance on these matters and help ease the overall induction process.


Banking in Canada: As a new immigrant in Canada, one would want to open a bank account at the earliest. Several banks in Canada (example: the TD Bank, BMO, Royal Bank of Canada, CIBC, etc.) offer special banking arrangements and packages for new immigrates. Owlspriority Immigration Pre-Departure services gives you the right guidance on these matters and help ease the overall induction process.


Transportation systems in Canada: There are several ways people commute in Canada. Public transportation modes like the Sky Trains in Vancouver, the Toronto Subway, the bus system, etc., the compass card and how to use it for transits in Vancouver, similar systems in other Canadian cities, taxi systems in major cities like Vancouver, Sea bus system, etc. Owlspriority Immigration Pre-Departure services gives you the right guidance on these matters and help ease the overall induction process. If you are interested in driving a car of your own in Canada, then the first thing you will need is a driver’s license. Depending on the country you are coming from, you may receive concessions in the licensing requirements in the province you are planning to reside in Canada. Talk to your counsellor to know more.


Affordable Housing (accommodation) in Canada: Finding a place to live in is not a difficult task provided you know where and how to start looking. Many new immigrants fall prey to unlicensed realtors and lose their money in the process, while others end up in communities that are located very far from their native communities. Owlspriority Immigration Pre-Departure services gives you the right guidance on these matters and help ease the overall induction process. Owlspriority Immigration’s Pre-Departure Service is provided in the form of scheduled sessions in person (if the person is willing to come to our office in Bangalore), or, through Skype or Zoom (for clients in select middle east countries) applications.


Canada Post-Arrival Services

Post-Arrival services helps you build your new life in Canada with ease. The following will be covered:


  • The significance of the Social Insurance Number (SIN), and how to apply for it;
  • Employment Insurance in Canada and how to apply for it;
  • The Service Canada centres and the service they offer;
  • Canadian Provincial or Territorial Health Coverage Programs;
  • Securing a Canadian license;
  • Canada Immigrant Settlement Services (ISS) and their services you could benefit from – locations, point of contacts, etc.;
  • Addressing Emergency situations, etc.


Owlspriority Immigration’s Post-Arrival Service is provided in the form of scheduled sessions in person (if the person is willing to come to our office in Vancouver), or, through Skype or Zoom (for clients in select middle east countries) applications.


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