IELTS Listening Test | Form-filling Question Type

IELTS Listening Test | Form-filling Question Type

Ninan Lawrence Published:
March 21, 2024

Listening is a simple part of the IELTS test that can be finished quickly. One type of question in the test is the Form-filling question type. The primary objective of the IELTS Listening section is to listen to audio and respond to questions using the knowledge you gain from it. Names, locations, phone numbers, and other factual information must be included in the Form-completion question type. The exact words you hear on the tape must be entered.

There may be a range of questions in the form. You should adhere to the word limit while responding to the form-completion questions. In this article, we will explore how to answer form-completion questions in the IELTS Listening test.

What does IELTS Listening test form completion mean?

The Listening test is divided into four sections. There will be four recordings, each with ten questions. You can jot down the answers on the question paper while you listen and have up to ten minutes at the end to transfer them to the answer sheet (only for paper-based tests). The most popular sorts of forms in IELTS Listening form completion questions are application forms, as well as order or quote forms. 

A conversation between two individuals or a monologue in a social or educational setting is often gathered on tape. The test will measure your ability to pay attention to the information you hear in this kind of setting.

Dealing with forms-filling in the IELTS listening test

Carefully read the directions on the question paper: the question paper will include some instructions at the top. It will indicate the kind of question and the maximum word count for your response. If you write more than the allotted word count, your response will be scored incorrectly, and you will lose marks even if the answer is accurate.

Identify the title: there may be a title provided before the questions in certain question sheets. You will have a better understanding of the audio's context by looking at the title. You may need to comprehend the context of the questions provided because some question papers may not have a title.

Predict your answers
: go over the questions and make an effort to come up with possible answers. You can then concentrate on the correct words while listening to the audio. The majority of the time, the responses to the IELTS Listening form completion questions consist of factual details such as surname, place name, date, phone number, and postcode.

Take note of synonyms and paraphrases: a synonym for a word mentioned in the audio might be found in the questions. You might also paraphrase the sentences. While you go through the questions, look for words and sentences that may be paraphrased or rephrased.

Boost your vocabulary: indeed, you must additionally have a strong vocabulary for the listening test. The words that are used about time, numbers, prices, dates, letters, and addresses must be clear to you

Do not be confused by distractions: watch out for terms like "but," "however," and so on, since they might be set up to divert attention away from the real answer. In these situations, you ought to consider your answer before responding. You might write the incorrect response as a result of being confused by these terms. Check the audio for any such distractions.

Assume an answer if needed: answer all questions completely and without mistakes. You can fill in the spaces by speculating on the possible response. Do not spend too much time on one question if you are unaware of the answer.


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