Computer-based IELTS Exam | A Myths Buster!

Computer-based IELTS Exam | A Myths Buster!

Zilpah D'Souza Published:
March 16, 2024

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) recognize the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) to evaluate non-native English speakers' English language skills. This exam can be attended by someone who wants to determine how proficient they are in English if they are aspiring to move to Canada or any other English-speaking country. Being the most widely used English language competency test in the world, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) inevitably has certain misconceptions surrounding it.

Furthermore, with IELTS being offered in both paper-based and computer-delivered modes, applicants' curiosity has only grown. There is no better format than the other because each has its own advantages. A candidate's decision to take a computer-based test or paper-based is purely dependent on personal taste, preferences, etc., though sometimes there can be exceptions to this also.

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Myth#1 | The computer-delivered IELTS and the paper-based have different test formats.

This is not true!

The material, score, level of difficulty, and sections like Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening are all the same in both test types. The sole distinction is that the computer test for IELTS is administered using a computer and keyboard, whereas the paper test is conducted traditionally using a pen and paper.

Myth#2 | All 4 modules of the IELTS may be taken on a computer.

This is not true!

Only the Listening, Reading, and Writing portions of the IELTS Computer exam may be completed online; the Speaking test must still be done in person with a real, accredited examiner.

Myth#3 | IELTS on paper is more challenging than on a single computer (or vice versa)

This is not true!

Both versions use the same questions, difficulty level, and material. Therefore, it would be misleading to believe that one test format is easier or more sophisticated than another. It all comes down to the format you choose.


Myth#4 | IELTS computer tests are available at any time and place.

This is not true!

Although a computer test allows you to take the exam in the specified computer-delivered IELTS test location, it does offer greater flexibility in terms of test dates. Furthermore, you must reserve the preferred day and time in advance.

Myth#5 | IELTS computer and paper-based results take the same time to come or be published.

This is not true!

The computer based test score’s publishing time differs from the paper-based. The results of the paper-based test are made available after 13 days, whereas the results for the computer test can be expected within 3–5 days after your test date.

Myth#6 | Candidates must bring their own laptop to the test centre.

This is not true!

Bringing your systems is not required. Modern testing facilities have been established worldwide by IDP for the computer test. Simply show up at your preferred location on the designated day to complete the test.

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